by Tinner in , , , ,

This week we are flashing it back- to Fall 2016 (and the 80's!) during my semester abroad in Florence, Italy. Overalls and chokers seem to be one of the biggest 'throwback' trends of today's millennial fashion and we are excited to share with you how we prefer to pair them!

Like chokers, overalls are a come back item that have slightly evolved to include a more modern, chic twist. Our friend Emma Scott, pictured below (and probably one of the most photographed Tinner friends), never seizes to amaze us with her ability to stay ahead of trends by finding neat, hole-in-the-wall shops and styling their unique products with simple accessories. (Simplicity is key with overalls).

During our first touristy adventure in our new home in Florence, Emma (or Scoo as we call her) rocked these overalls with a comfortable Gap T-shirt and white, Dolce Vita Sneakers. Her simple accessories included, Rayban Sunglasses, ASHA Zodiac Ring, Michael Kors Watch, and a Leather Backpack

**We only got a couple confused looks from the Italians-- and turns out there is no direct translation for "American Fashion Blog," so we just went with it...

{Click herehere and here for overalls like the ones above!}

Scoo stumbled across these overalls at a pop-up in NYC called The Vintage Twin, who's motto is "Reworked Hunted Treasure. One of Each Item." At the pop-up, which gives 10% of their total company proceeds to charity,  Emma had these stressed and cut perfectly to fit her body. Offering a variety of custom vintage items at affordable prices,  the founders Morgan and Samantha Elias strive to provide unique items that allow customers to wear and express their individuality. Their mission is "hunting for treasures among the millions of quality goods that are given up each year, reworking some to make them on-trend and salvaging fabric and parts from others to create new designs."

Check out www.thevintagetwin.com to shop online or visit their pop-up going on now until July 7th on 20 Spring Street and 199 Lafayette in NYC. 

`more ofFollow @thevintagetwin on social media to learn more!

Treat yourself this Valentines Day!

by Tinner in , , ,

This Valentines Day, treat yourself to something you've had your eye on. Whether you're celebrating with a boy or going to see Fifty Shades with your girl friends, it's always fun to treat yourself to something nice during this cold time when everyone needs a little pick me up. We're obsessed with the items above and as Lindsay's Feb Break approaches at W&L, bathing suits and sunglasses are the perfect gift to herself. We also strongly recommend ordering Baked by Melissa cupcakes (despite the effort for a bikini bod) as a Valentines Day treat! Whatever your plans are, have a great weekend and check out these and other great pink items on Revolve and Shopbop!

Sunglasses ($179.00) || Backpack ($55.00) || Flats ($300.00) || Pjs ($135.00)||

Romper (similar-$77.00)|| Bathing Suit ($126.00)